Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) aims to ensure that companies conduct their business in a way that is ethical. This means taking account of their social, economic and environmental impact, and consideration of human rights.

More and more companies are putting higher importance on their CSR. Working in partnership with local Suffolk communities by volunteering is a fantastic way to help increase your CSR efforts.

Attending Do Good events are a great way of making a positive difference in our community. We've found the charities, arranged the events... all you have to do is roll up your sleeves.

We all achieve during our normal working weeks, months and years but isn't it great to end your day knowing you've made a difference to someone that really values it? And to be able to get that feeling whilst still networking and meeting new business connections is even better!

Fence Painting
Cow Feeding
Shed building at Emmaus Ipswich, Suffolk